Field line tracing

The streamtracer library is used to trace magnetic field lines through models. Note that this must be installed prior to use (pip install streamtracer). In spherical coordinates the streamline equations are:

\[\frac{dr}{ds} = \hat{B}_{r}\]
\[\frac{d\theta}{ds} = \frac{\hat{B}_{\theta}}{r}\]
\[\frac{d\phi}{ds} = \frac{\hat{B}_{\phi}}{r\cos(\theta)}\]

Tracing magnetic field lines uses the FortranTracer class. From a set of seed points with specified radius, longitude, latitude, the tracer is called to trace field lines from these points:

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from psipy.tracing import FortranTracer
tracer = FortranTracer()

# Radius
r = [40, 45]
lat = [0, 10] * u.deg
lon = [0, np.pi / 4] * u.rad
flines = tracer.trace(model, r=r, lat=lat, lon=lon)

where model is a MASOutput or a PLUTOOutput which must have all three components of the magnetic field available.

The tracer has two configurable options:

  • max_steps is the maximum number of steps that an individual field line can have. This is set to 'auto' by default, which will allocate four times the steps needed to travel radially from the inner to the outer boundary of the model.

  • step_size is the size of individual steps along the field line, as a multiple of the radial cell size. This is set to 1 by default.

For a full example see Field lines with pyvista.

flines is a FieldLines object, that stores a series of field lines. Each field line can be accessed by indexing the FieldLines with an integer.

Saving and loading

Field lines can be saved using save() and load(). The field lines are saved to a .npz file using numpy.savez_compressed.


Although it is possible to plot field lines in 3D using Matplotlib, this is not recommended as performance is poor and Matplotlib is not a true 3D rendering library.

Instead the pyvista library can be used to visualise in 3D. This is a Python wrapper around the popular Visualisation Toolkit (VTK).

To start we we need to create a plotting window, called a ‘plotter’:

from psipy.visualization.pyvista import PyvistaPlotter

plotter = PyvistaPlotter(model)

Once we have a plotter, we can add field lines to it. In this example we’ll colour the field lines by their polarity near the inner boundary of the model:

for fline in flines:
  # Set color with polarity near the inner boundary
  color = br.sample_at_coords(np.mod(fline.lon[1], 2 * np.pi * u.rad),
                              fline.r[1] * u.R_sun) > 0
  color = {0: 'red', 1: 'blue'}[int(color)]
  # Add field line to the plotter
  plotter.add_fline(fline, color=color)

Finally, to show the plotting window we call:

This will open an interactive window where you can change the view with the mouse.